see the person
not the disability
Our objective is to promote the treatment, education, training, employment and general welfare of persons with disabilities.
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We rely on donations to help our cause in treating, educating, training and employing persons with disabilities and try and meet each individuals needs.

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We are always in need of volunteers and various services, if there is some way you can contribute to our community, please contact us.

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Our different departments and projects

All departments are situated on the premises in Krugersdorp West except Rainbow Day Care Centre which is situated in Randfontein.


This residence caters for 30 multi-disabled adults. Programs in the residence are holistic of nature and empower them to reach their full potential.
Activities include:
• Residents are fed, bathed and dressed daily
• The facility is cleaned daily.
• Physical, medical and psychological needs are attended to.
• Clothing and/or bedding is provided when needed.
• Limited sports activities are available.
• The disabled residents are involved in activities such as guarding the gate, reception and telephone duty.
• The residents attend numerous social and religious functions.
• Staff training takes place on a regular base.

social work

Services are rendered to approximately 416 families per month on the West Rand covering the municipal areas of Roodepoort, Mogale City (Krugersdorp), Randfontein, Magaliesburg and a number of informal settlements. There are 3 Registered Social Workers working in this department and 3 Auxiliary social worker.
Activities include:
The dedicated Social workers work in different areas on the West Rand attending to both individual cases and group work, as part of community development. They also provide assistance with applications for social security grants, with transport of disabled people to clinics/hospitals (there is no transport for disabled people in wheelchairs), and with obtaining assistive devices e.g. wheelchairs, walkers, etc. They also partake in awareness campaigns and fundraising efforts through, inter alia, “Casual Day” and the “International Day of the Disabled”.


65 multi-disabled adults (including the 30 from the Roy Martin Residence) from different communities, e.g. Roodepoort, Krugersdorp, Munsieville, Davidsonville, Kagiso, etc. attend the workshop on a daily basis. The day workers cannot function in the labour market because of their disabilities and are transported at huge financial costs to and from the Work Centre by mini busses. This is the only protective workshop of its kind in Krugersdorp and surroundings.
Activities include:
• Contract work (simple assembly and packaging, etc.) is done for various companies in the private sector..
• Social functions and training sessions are organised by the social workers.
• Craft activities is done regularly
• We have a sport program on Wednesday afternoons


30 intellectually and physically disabled children between the ages of 3 and 16, all coming from previously disadvantaged communities, are cared for at this facility daily. This is the only facility of its kind on the West Rand.
Activities include
• The children are physically fed twice daily (sometimes the only food they get for the day) as most of them are unable to eat by themselves or food is not available at their homes.
• Potty training, educational and perceptual training and therapeutic exercises by Physiotherapists form part of the daily routine.
• Children are transported to and from the facility daily at high costs.
• Staff members are trained on a regular base.
• Medicine is administered daily.

Casual day is a very important event for WRAPD
If you or your organisation wants to take part in Casual Day, please consider donating to us.
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